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Why Fall Cleaning Is Just As Important As Spring Cleaning

Writer: Ian MeyerIan Meyer

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Raking leaves during fall cleanup

While we do our best to tackle a great deal of deep cleaning to our homes in the Spring, it’s easy to forget about it’s counterpart, Fall.

Fall cleaning isn’t just about tidying up on a regular schedule (though that’s good too), there are health benefits and more. Here are a few reasons why...

1. Closing Up Shop: Here in Maine, with winter approaching, it means our houses start to get closed up. Our air conditioners turn to heaters and our windows are closed. When that happens all the dust and dirt in your home stays there for months on end. Scary thought right?

2. Good Habit: Creating healthy habits in your home can be tricky. If you aren’t the brisk clean everyday or even deep clean once a month type, doing so twice a year is a good thing. Leaving it all to the Spring makes things seem cumbersome, so add another few weeks of spiffing things up and you’ll be better for it.

3. The Holidays are Coming: So you like to entertain (or even just enjoy your home solo) through the holidays. Once the time is upon us, it’s easy to get overloaded with food and seating. Wouldn’t it be nice if you weren’t worried about cleaning out the coat closet so guests had somewhere to put their things? Take care of it now and you’ll only have a surface wipe down to tackle down the line.

4. Built in Purge Time: We live by the thought of only having around you what you love. By going through your things twice a year, it’s an easy reminder to yourself to get busy using something or putting it on Craigslist in 6 months when cleaning time rolls around again. By waiting a full year to do this process you spend more time in a space with things you don’t love or use and who wants that?

5. Inspection: Going into the winter months all sorts of things like to call your home their home. Spiders, bugs, moths, none of which you really want to bunk down with. By deep cleaning during the Fall you also get a chance to see if any critters are hiding in those tight spaces and can remove them before you hunker down before the cold weather.


Why do you think Fall cleaning is or isn’t important?

Do you bust out the buckets and rags or hold out till Spring?

Share your thoughts below!


leaves with a home inside

If you're in need of reliable and efficient home cleaning services here in Hancock County, email Homes of Acadia at or visit our website and book directly online. We're proud to serve Mount Desert Island and the Acadia National Park Region of Maine, and look forward to showing you why our customers recommend us to their family and friends.


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